Tel: +27 71 607 4537

BioTreat™ Sewage Solutions

For the elimination of human solid waste

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BioTreat™ is a non-disease causing, dormant powder, naturally occurring in nature and contains vegetable microbes or bacteria that digest human solid waste, tissue paper, fats, oils and grease at an accelerated rate.

Enhancing the performance of the microbes through a natural process that does not involve any non-naturally occurring additions. Other non-pathogenic natural substances such as forms of saltpetre, are added to enhance performance. The main use for BioTreat™ is that it can be added to pit latrine toilets or septic tanks and sewerage plants.

Fast reduction of human waste, reducing smells & insects

100% Natural

pH Neutral

Aerobic & Anaerobic

Highly Active Bacterial Cultures & Fungus

Digests Human Solid Waste, Paper, Fat, Oils & Hydro-Carbons

50 day reduction from 2.5m to 200mm

Safe & Economical

Reduces smell

Mokopa wastewater treatment works before using Biotreat

Before BioTreat™ Application

Mokopa wastewater treatment works after 3 days of application

3 days after BioTreat™ Application

Mokopa wastewater treatment works with Biotreat results

BioTreat™ Results

Specialising in environmental cleaning solutions, our products are formulated to clean and remove heavy and light oils mineral or plant oils, animal fats, grime and human waste. You will find our products at work in workshops, machinery, vehicles, engines, shopping centres, kitchens and mines and the remediation of human solid waste in pit latrines and sewerage plants to name a few. Always full strength and effective to save time and cost.

Read Some Independent Test Results

Non-disease forming

Microbe Rich

BioTreat™ Gives Back to Nature

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